Help the Whole Family Better Express Themselves

Find answers through experiential family therapy in Hutchinson or Buffalo, MN

If there are family problems you don't know how to solve, consider reaching out to Serenity Mental Health Services. We offer experiential family therapy to help bring families a sense of interconnectedness.

This method of therapy can:

  • Facilitate individual autonomy among each family members
  • Create a stronger sense of belonging
  • Allow family members to better encourage each other's individuality

Get in touch with a family therapist in Buffalo and Hutchinson, MN today to learn more about experiential family therapy.

What can you expect from experiential family therapy?

At these kind of therapy sessions, your family therapist may ask you to create drawings or roleplay scenarios in order to reach a better understanding of your family members. We use active, multisensory techniques to promote healthy communication and uncover new information.

Call now to book an appointment with a family therapist in Hutchinson or Buffalo, MN.

Contact Us Today - We're Here to Help!

Address: 225 3rd Ave NW Hutchinson, MN 55350
Address: 15 2nd St NW Buffalo, MN 55313

Phone: 320-455-9888

Fax: 320-587-5390


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