Who We Serve

Serenity Mental Health Services serves children, adolescents, and adults with mental illness, emotional and/or behavioral disorders, developmental disabilities, and/or issues with alcohol or drugs. Referred clients experience functional impairments due to symptoms associated with their identified mental health diagnosis.

Serenity Mental Health Services provides skills training and supports to individuals based on their own unique situations, while recognizing individual needs. Skills training and supports are provided so that individuals will become independent and fully functioning within their family and community setting. Some of the many services provided include:

  • Independent living skills
  • Individual, family, and group skills training for a variety of diagnoses
  • Skills training in anger management, conflict resolution, problem solving, coping, etc.
  • Crisis stabilization/supports, handling emergency and crisis situations
  • Supports and training to apply for state/ county services, and/or grant programs
  • Training/supports on understanding and living with a mental health diagnosis
  • Employment Supports (skills training on locating, obtaining, and maintaining employment)
  • Family relations and family dynamics skills training
  • Parenting skills training
  • Community Access (transportation, using community resources, locating community resources
  • Cultural and/or religious supports (finding and accessing community resources)
  • Other areas as needed and deemed medically necessary

Areas currently Served:

McLeod county

What are "Skills Training Services?"

In-home or in-community skills training services are designed to support and teach basic living and life skills, social skills, organizational skills, communication skills, and symptoms management. Skills training focuses on teaching clients skills in order to cope with and manage functional impairments associated with their diagnosis.

  • Adult Rehabilitative Mental Health Services (ARMHS) are mental health services which are rehabilitative and enable to recipient to develop and enhance psychiatric stability, social competencies, personal and emotional adjustment, and independent living and community skills, when these abilities are impaired by the symptoms of mental illness. A person can receive this service if they are an MA eligible individual who is 18 or older.
  • Children's Therapeutic Services and Supports (CTSS) means the flexible package of mental health services for children who require varying therapeutic and rehabilitative levels of intervention. These services are time-limited interventions that are delivered using various treatment modalities and a combination of services designed to reach treatment outcomes identified in the individual treatment plan.

Who pays for this service?

Clients receiving ARMHS or CTSS must be eligible for Medical Assistance (MA) or a Prepaid Medical Assistance Program (PMAP), such as Medica, Blue Cross Blue Shield, PrimeWest, and UCare.

How are client's referred?

Clients are generally referred by providers (case managers, teachers, probation officers, courts, therapists, etc.), but some are self-referrals or referrals through family members. Referrals can be made on the SMHS website. Simply click on the fillable referral form, fill it out, and send it by email (admin@serenitymentalhealthservices.com) or by fax (320.587.5390). This form asks for basic identifying information, insurance information, and a brief description of both historical, current functional impairments and current needs. Referrals ca also be made by phone (320.455.9888).

After the referral, what next?

Once a referral is received, our intake coordinator verifies that the client's insurance is active. Once verified, a Mental Health Professional will contact the client to schedule a time to complete a Diagnostic Assessment and go through intake paperwork. This assessment is completed in the comfort of the client's home (or at the SMHS office, if the client chooses). After the Diagnostic Assessment (DA) is completed, a Mental Health Practitioner (Skills Worker) will contact the client to schedule an initial meeting. During this first meeting, the client and Practitioner will collaborate to complete functional assessments, and identify the client's goals to complete an Individual Treatment Plan. This Treatment Plan is used to guide future sessions and is revised periodically to ensure that the client's needs are continually met.

Contact Us Today - We're Here to Help!

Address: 225 3rd Ave NW Hutchinson, MN 55350
Address: 15 2nd St NW Buffalo, MN 55313

Phone: 320-455-9888

Fax: 320-310-0983

Email: admin@serenitymentalhealthservices.com

verified by Psychology Today